Celebrating National Family Meals Month with Pure Flavor

National Family Meals Month is a time to celebrate the simple act of coming together around the dinner table. It's a reminder of the profound impact that eating together as a family can have on our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

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In the fast-paced world we live in today, it's becoming increasingly challenging for families to find quality time to spend together. When Pure Flavor mentioned that they were participating in National Family Meals Month I was really happy. This celebration serves as a reminder of the importance of eating together as a family and the profound impact it can have on our lives. Pure Flavor explains that the definition of family varies to everyone and family mealtime can happen anywhere. I agree with them that there is magic that happens when people come together.


For some, family may be the traditional nuclear unit, while for others, it might encompass close friends, neighbors, or even coworkers who have become like family. Pure Flavor, acknowledges and celebrates this diversity in family structures while emphasizing the significance of shared meals. Family meals can occur in various settings. While the traditional dining table is a classic venue, family mealtime can happen on a picnic blanket in the park, during a road trip, or even at a shared workplace lunch. It’s not always about where you gather; it’s about the connections you foster and the memories you create. It’s in the laughter shared over a plate of spaghetti, the deep conversations during a barbecue in the backyard, and the warm feeling of unity during a holiday feast. These moments remind us that family is not solely defined by blood but by the bonds we create and nurture.



Beyond nourishing our bodies, family meals nourish our souls. It’s a time to unwind, connect, and engage in meaningful conversations. In our busy lives, these moments can be rare but are incredibly valuable. Family meals provide an opportunity to catch up on each other’s lives, share stories, and offer support when needed. This simple act of coming together fosters a sense of belonging and love that is irreplaceable.


Regular family meals strengthen the bonds between family members. They create a sense of unity and belonging that helps individuals feel valued and loved. Studies have shown that families who eat together tend to have better relationships and a deeper understanding of one another. These close connections are the building blocks of a strong and supportive family.


The act of eating together has a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. It reduces stress, fosters a sense of security, and promotes positive mental health. In a world where stressors are abundant, family meals offer a sanctuary where individuals can relax and be themselves.

As we commemorate National Family Meals Month, let's remember that family comes in all shapes and sizes. It's a reflection of the love, support, and connections we cultivate in our lives. Whether you're sharing a meal with relatives, friends, or kindred spirits, let's cherish the magic of togetherness and celebrate the diverse tapestry of family that enriches our lives. In the end, it's not about where or with whom you eat but the love and connection that make each mealtime special. This National Family Meals Month let's make an effort to prioritize family meals in our lives, recognizing that they are the heart of the home and the foundation of strong, healthy families.


Shrimp Ceviche with Pure Flavor® Uno Bites™ Nano Cucumbers

total time: 2 hrs cook time: 0 min

prep time: 20 min servings: 10-12


-2 lbs shrimp

-10 lime

-3 roma tomatoes

-14 Pure Flavor® Uno Bites™ Nano Cucumbers

-3/4 red onion

-1 bunch of cilantro

-1 mango

-salt to taste

-3 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce

-9 dashes of Maggi


  1. Start by cutting your shrimp into small bite pieces. Place your shrimp in a bowl and add the juice of 10 limes. Add 9 dashes of Maggi and 3 tbsp of Worcestershire Sauce. Place in the fridge and let it cook for at least 1 hour and a half.

  2. In the meantime, wash the cucumbers, serrano pepper, and roma tomatoes. Once washed, cut them by knife or by using a vegetable chopper kitchen gadget. Make sure to cut them into small squares.

  3. Cut your mango. Make sure stem is on top, then cut vertically 1/4 inch away from the middle. Do the same on the other side. Put the "bone" (the middle part) aside. Cut the mango in a grid pattern but do not go through the skin. Use a spoon to scoop the cubes out.

  4. Take out marinated shrimp from the refrigerator and place it in a bowl.

  5. Add chopped ingredients to the shrimp bowl and mix well.

  6. Chop 1 bunch of cilantro and place it with the other ingredients.

  7. Mix well, taste it and add salt to your liking if needed.

  8. You can eat it as it is or make some tostadas de ceviche!

    Ceviche de Camarón


-2 lbs de camarones

-10 limones

-3 tomates roma

-14 Pure Flavor® Uno Bites™ Nano Pepinos

-3/4 cebolla morada

-1 manojo de cilantro

-1 mango -sal al gusto

-3 cdas de salsa inglesa

-9 chorlitos de Maggi



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